
April 13, 2012

Happy Friday...

I skipped a few days this week, sorrry! That's what kind of work week it was...I had planned an industry event for Wednesday - it went very well and I was very relieved when it was over. And after throwing myself into a few more back to back meetings today I will be kicking up my heels to relax;) Tomorrow, so excited to be off to RL Cafe with girlfriends for brunch and then a stroll down Michigan to shop. Later today will be my favorite links from the week...already in progress. I promise more fun posts next week - I have my Sunday blocked off for lots of blogging. Have a great weekend. xx {image via tumblr}


  1. That sounds like the perfect Saturday. I love RL Cafe! Have fun with your girlfriends! xx

  2. Beautiful picture! Enjoy the weekend :)



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