
April 8, 2013

{On the Shelf}

Or on the Nook, I should say;)

So, I love to read, I mentioned this before on the blog. And I devour books when I have my rhythm. I like to juggle and read a few at once. I'll bounce from a thoughtful/philosophical book, to a romance or beach read, to a riveting plot, and lastly will pepper in the good stuff - technology and career inspiration.

The first, is perfect for nurturing for the career-focused. I'm sure you have heard of Sheryl Sandberg. I have seen her speak many times at conferences in the digital world. Her book Lean In, is a bestseller - no wonder. I'm excited to report that I am almost finished with this read - and I love it, but I wish it came with a workbook, because I have many parallel thoughts that I would like to jot down. I highly recommend.

Gone Girl, a chapter or two in - it's a bit slow at first in my opinion, but I have heard great things about this dark suspense thriller. I hope it does not disappoint.

The Righteous Mind, this satiates my need for an outlet on topics like religion and politics in our current culture. I love anything that poses true critical thinking and perspective. I don't always agree with the author's point of view, but I can really appreciate the quest to dive into exploring our capacity to think about moral and social problems objectively and get along when we are divided in religious and political beliefs. I come from a family who talks very much about these subjects...I recommend.

To find all of these books;)

What are you reading? Any recommendations?


  1. Love in the Time of Cholera is my absolute favorite!

  2. Me too! That made me cry!! Loved the movie too.

  3. I'm reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan. Both are great so far.


Thank you for visiting. I love to hear your thoughts!