January 13, 2010

Writer's Block...

Every now and then I get a bit of writer's block. What do you do when the creativity stops flowing? {image via please sir}


Cassimus T. said...

Sometimes I watch Garden State. I dont know what it is about that movie..maybe its the music, but it works!

Destination Inspiration said...

Hmm...I read blogs, surf websites of artists and stylists, pick up my favourite magazine or listen to music...there's so much inspiration to be found everywhere!

Sarah Engel said...

thank you ladies;) firstly, I LOVE Garden State, one of my fave movies and the soundtrack is always beautiful and moody which gets me deep in thought. and secondly, browsing is definitely the way to go, so thank you for the suggestions - because it totally helped me get in the groove! xo

Breenuh said...

I guess you're over your writer's block... but anyway I watched Julie & Julia recently, and it really inspired/motivated me!

Caroline Hancox said...

this is s a beautiful photo, I don't get writers block as I can't write (well of course I can but not stories or interesting articles, you know what I mean!) but I do get photographer's block!