August 6, 2010

Pretty China...

I love blue and white china patterns. I'm curious sometimes, about the value of items I come across, and Christie's has a book that dives right into blue and white china collectibles and how much they are worth. These are perfect for morning tea!  {image via forever is today, flickr}


Jessica said...

I love blue and white china too. It makes me think about the teacups my grandmother used to own.

by Sutton said...

so classic, soft, & clean. makes me want to do brunch!!

Have a great weekend ~ ps, check out my new vintage store.

Miles Of Style said...

pretty indeed!

just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. =)


the southern hostess said...

So pretty!

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

me, too! me, too!